Summer is our favorite season for many reasons. Summer offers us so much. From robust garden with nutritious vegetables and fruits to an increase in get-togethers with family and friends around pools, lakes, and the beach. Summer has so many incredible things to offer to boost our mood, but it also comes with the danger of harmful exposure to ultraviolet radiation that can increase our risk for cancer and damage to our skin and hair.
When identifying the best methods for protecting our skin, it’s important to first understand how UV rays affect us. UV stands for ultraviolet, and this form of non-ionizing radiation is emitted from artificial and natural sources. Natural sources of UV radiation come from the sun, while artificial sources of radiation include sources such as tanning beds, lasers, and mercury vapor, halogen, incandescent, and fluorescent lighting, which can be found in stadiums, schools, gyms, and in some modern homes. While we typically associate warmer climates and weather with a need for sun protectants, UV rays from the sun pose a danger year-round and during all seasons, regardless of the weather, as they penetrate beyond the clouds and through barriers such as glass and shades. The sun produces three types of Ultraviolet rays. These include UVA rays, which penetrate the deepest layers of the skin and contribute toward unsightly sagging of the skin, wrinkles, sunspots, and pre-mature aging. UVA rays can be broken into two types, UVA1, which penetrate the deepest layers of the skin, and UVA2. UCA exposure is responsible for 95% OF UV exposure. Of that 95%, UVA1 accounts for 75% and UVA2 accounts for 25%. The second type of UV exposure includes UVB rays. UBV rays are responsible for causing skin cancer and sunburns. The most dangerous of the three rays are UVC, is present beyond the ozone layer, posing a threat from artificial light sources mentioned earlier. It can take as few as fifteen minutes for unprotected skin to be damaged by harmful UV rays, which is why there are two SPFs to be mindful of, Sun Protection Factor (SPF) sunscreen as well as Sun Protectant Foods (SPF) in the diet. Dr. Arisa Ortiz is a board-certified dermatologist and hair loss specialist at UC San Diego who recognizes the importance of protecting hair in the summer months, "It is important to protect both skin and hair from UV rays using hair care products that in a spray, gel, or cream foundation that contain SPF."

Nutritionally, The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommend a diet rich with Vitamin D to help protect the body from within from natural and artificial UV damage. Foods rich in Vitamin d include eggs, fortified dairy and cereal products, mushrooms, fortified orange juice, and salmon. In addition to food rich in vitamin d, recent studies suggest food that contains lycopene, such as watermelon, grapefruit, and tomatoes may provide photoprotective benefits against UV radiation.
Several studies have found a direct correlation of prolonged lycopene consumption to the mitigation of UV light induced sunburn and damage, suggesting that lycopene may help protect the skin and scalp and boost the skin’s protection from UVA and UVB rays.
In addition to enjoying a healthy diet rich with vitamin d and lycopene, these UV protectant properties can also be found in the recently launched leave in scalp and detangling topical treatment, LOCKrx BIO BALANCE. A perfect year-round addition to your hair health regimen, BIO BALANCE offers UV protection from several ingredients known for their UV protectant properties, including natural watermelon extract which, in addition to containing UV protection, contains known properties to boost blood circulation to the scalp and to aid in the boost of keratin production, enhancing the strength and structure of hair. Daily use of Bio Balance may help to balance the scalp microbiome, while creating the best environment for healthy hair growth. For hair loss patients undergoing low laser light therapy (LLLT) BIO BALANCE may be used to help keep hair from becoming brittle.

When it comes to summer and warmer weather, a diet rich in vitamin d, lycopene, and sunscreens containing SPF may be just what the doctor ordered to protect the hair, skin, and scalp from the damage of ultraviolet radiation. Watermelon is a summer staple that can be found in your local garden or grocery store and in many products, like LOCKrx BIO BALANCE to offer natural protection. In the great words of Harry Styles, we’re not sure “we could ever go without” it. Shop Here