Not too long ago, we welcomed the new year with open arms. This year was going to be the start of a new chapter, fresh with new intentions and resolutions to get things right. To get healthy. To find a new job. This was going to be our year to lose weight. By March, most of these resolutions have waned. Old habits die hard and the time it takes to commit to that next chapter, while paved with good intention, is not easy when put into practice. Where traditional methods fail, modern age medicine prevails, and the never-ending quest for a healthy weight led to groundbreaking developments in pharmaceuticals, including the advent of semaglutide or GLP-1 receptor agonists. Enter the growing list of weight loss “heroes” like Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy, Byetta, and Trulicity. These GLP-1 receptor agonists are in a class of injectable drugs that mimic the glucagon-like peptide-1 in our bodies, which helps regulate appetite and insulin resistance. Initially intended for diabetes patients, drugs such as Ozempic (semaglutide), Wegovy, and
Mounjaro have shown remarkable efficacy in reducing body mass for non-diabetics looking to lose weight by decreasing appetite and caloric intake. These drugs have proven successful in helping thousands achieve healthy weight management, but as with any “miracle” cure, there come overlooked repercussions, and those taking these medications often suffer debilitating side effects, from nausea to hair loss. Understanding the mechanism behind hair loss is key to achieving successful weight loss results and slowing or avoiding hair loss associated with the medications.
A growing body of research has explored the potential correlation between hair loss and weight loss drugs, like semaglutide. Rapid weight loss can sometimes lead to nutrient deficiencies and stress on the body which, in turn, can affect hair growth and hair health. Recent findings by the American Hair Loss Association (AHLA) have tied the misuse of semaglutide and other related glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists as cause for significant hair loss. Hair loss, while not a direct side effect of GLP-1 receptor agonists, may be indirectly related due to the changes in diet and body weight that occur with the use of these medications. Moreover, restricted caloric intake can result in insufficient provision of essential nutrients required for healthy hair, such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating reports of adverse side effects from diabetes and weight loss drugs that include suicidal ideation, airway obstruction, and hair loss. Ongoing studies examining the correlation between hair loss and weight loss drugs suggest that hair loss is indeed a potential side effect and may cause permanent hair damage. What is one to do? Must weight loss also translate to the loss of one’s hair? Not necessarily.
Hair undergoes a natural growth and resting phase. During the resting phase, known as telogen, hair strands gradually fall out to make room for new hair growth. An interruption in this cycle, especially due to rapid weight loss, can lead to excessive hair shedding or hair loss, a phenomenon known as telogen effluvium. While telogen effluvium is often considered temporary and not cause for permanent damage, there is growing concern that the hormonal shifts from these weight loss medications can trigger permanent early onset male and female hair loss, referred to as androgenetic alopecia, which can worsen over time and result in permanent hair damage. Those wishing to combat the potential debilitating side effects of weight loss medications are turning to nutraceutical hair supplements, like LOCKrx. This drug-free Healthy Inside Hair Support program can provide vital nutrients that support hair follicle health and may be lacking in a diet constrained by weight loss efforts. Integrating nutraceutical hair supplements like LOCKrx into one’s weight loss regimen can offer a variety of benefits. These include:
Nutrient Replenishment: LOCKrx helps to replenish nutrients that might not be adequately consumed during the process of weight loss.
Hair Cycle Support: LOCKrx supports the normal hair growth cycle, potentially mitigating the hair loss associated with rapid weight changes.
Overall Health: LOCKrx can contribute to overall health and well-being, which is essential during any weight loss journey
Tailored Support: LOCKrx is designed specially for hair health and is targeted specifically for hair and gut health, offering targeted support over general multivitamins. Consulting with a LOCKrx hair support provider or with the LOCKrx Hair Concierge ensures that there are no interactions with the prescribed GLP-1 receptor agonists.
Not all hair supplements are created equal. It is essential to choose a product with ingredients have proven benefits for hair health. It is essential for individuals using weight loss medications to be aware of the potential side effects while acknowledging the individual variability in experiencing these effects. For patients who find their hair loss to be permanent, hair transplant surgery may be an option, such as follicular unit extraction (FUE) with SmartGraft, but should only be considered once a medical professional has evaluated the patient and tried nutritive and hormonal support. Should hair loss occur, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional who can evaluate the situation in the context of overall health and determine the most appropriate course of action. As with any medication, users should consult their healthcare providers before initiating treatment and monitor any side effects closely. Further research is needed to establish a more concrete relationship between weight loss drugs like Ozempic and hair loss. Meanwhile, users should prioritize open communication with their healthcare providers to ensure effective monitoring and management of any potential side effects while progressing towards their weight loss goals.
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Further Reading:
Misuse of Ozempic for Rapid Weight Loss Can Cause Significant and Perhaps Permanent Hair Loss (dermatologytimes.com)
Can GLP-1 drugs Ozempic and Wegovy cause suicidal ideation, hair loss? (medicalnewstoday.com)
Can Drugs Like Ozempic, Wegovy Cause Hair Loss, Suicidal Ideation? (health.com)