Struggling with hair loss? It’s time to rip the Band-Aid off and tell you the cold hard truth. Brace yourself, because this is going to hurt a little. If you’re sensitive to tough conversations, you may want to stop reading right now.
You’re still here? You little rebel! We like you! Don’t say we didn’t warn you about the hard truth about your hair loss that most experts do not want to share with you. You know the body you walk or wheel around in every single day? Well, we hate to break it to you, but it just does not care about the hair on your head. Not one iota. Zilch. Nada.
When it all comes down it, the hair on our head is dead already, and what did our mamas teach us about dead ends? That’s right, we cut them off. As far as our body is concerned, our head can go naked—our bodies do not care about our feelings about hair loss; But don’t blame your body just yet, and don't lose hope.
Like an exhausted mother hiding in the bathroom for just three minutes of peace, our body must attend to the needs of all the organs it has to take care of and, wow, are they needy! Our body works twenty-four hours a day with no breaks. Our brain, our circulatory system, our digestive system, our skeletal and muscular system—all the systems that make us the special and unique individuals that we are — all require a lot to function. That means that everything we do for our body to keep it healthy and everything we put in our body to nourish it is used by our body to maintain daily function.
When our body is limited in nutritious resources, it goes into survival mode and prioritizes areas vital to functioning, and the hair on our head is not one of them. If there are any nutrients left over that our body has in excess, it will distribute the leftovers to our hair. Despite living life as the benched player during every game, our hair is a true team player, letting the body know when it's been neglected. Ironically, the organ that gets the least amount of attention, our hair, is also the first to let the body know when it is lacking in a nutrition. When the body is deficient in any nutrient, our hair is usually the first to show signs of that deficiency. If the body prioritizes every system first before supporting the hair, is there actual hope for hair loss? The Short Answer? Yes.
Let us try to explain using an analogy you might better understand. When flying, in the event of an emergency, flight attendants warn us that a mask will drop from the ceiling. Prior to placing the mask over the face of loved ones sitting next to us, we are instructed to first place the mask over our own face. For our body, every day is a flight emergency, and it remains in constant motion placing the mask over all its beloved functioning systems. Sadly, our hair is seated in the last row. What our hair needs is a complimentary upgrade to first class. How we do that is by helping our body to make it a priority.
Our hair is a reflection of what we put in our body. The key to keeping it healthy lies is balancing the body’s intake of vitamins, good fats, and proteins to nourish the body so that we can rock the locks we deserve. If the thought sounds overwhelming, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans, 80 million to be precise, report hair loss, and many are taken back by the measures needed to maintain a healthy scalp.
Hair growth is heavily reliant on nutrition. For healthier hair, we know we have to look from the inside in order to reap the benefits on the outside. That starts with a healthy gut microbiome. Many hair and body nutrient ingredients are readily available in most kitchens. Eggs are an incredible source of protein and contain nutrients essential for healthy hair growth. Eggs play a key role in maintaining cellular health and are also rich in vitamin A and D, which in low numbers is linked to hair loss and breakage. Nuts are also essential to healthy hair growth and are a great source of protein, omega-3 and biotin. Yogurt, rich with vitamin B5, is packed with protein and offers a wonderful building block for healthy hair. Finally, green, leafy vegetables, like spinach or kale are packed with vitamin A, iron, folate, beta carotene, and vitamin C. All of these ingredients are known to help the body better function at the cellular level. While these items may be in your kitchen, knowing the appropriate amount to take to prevent nutrient deficiencies and promote hair health is the harder part of the puzzle to solve. Because minor deficiencies can negatively affect your hair health, eating a healthy diet is a great start, but it’s not always enough to fuel your body and maintain all the healthy systems.
A healthy outside starts from within. LOCKrx Hair Support contains targeted ingredients backed by science known to balance hormones, address nutritional imbalances, reduce stress, and promote better bodily function. If it sounds too good to be true, it just might be. In addition to this nutritional supplement, lifestyle changes, such as elimination of smoking, minimizing stress load, and getting adequate exercise help to better overall health.
If you’ve ever wondered if you could harness the power of a few extra hours in your day or an extra set of hands to accomplish all of your tasks, nutritional supplements, like LOCKrx Hair Support, maybe give the body the extra support it needs to keep our body and hair looking healthy and beautiful. If you're ready to give your body a helping hand, it may just be ready to repay you with beautiful hair.
Ready To Get Started? Shop Here: Smart Solutions RX - LOCKrx Healthy Inside System